If only Rusty the Rooster could learn to tell the time. Sometimes he would crow far too early…sometimes he would crow far too late…sometimes he forgot to crow at all! Farmer Turnip and Mrs Turnip rarely got up on time to milk the cows, feed the pigs or let the hens out. Poor Tilly Turnip was always missing the bus to school. No one ever knew if it was time for breakfast, lunch or supper. 
All the animals on Turnip Farm agree that something must be done. It was time to get organised! Rusty the Rooster must learn to tell the time!
WHAT’S THE TIME MR ROOSTER? features charming hand puppets with live action, music and plenty of fun!
 Come and join the animals on Turnip Farm to discover the virtues of perseverance and patience…and help them to teach Rusty the Rooster how to tell the time!

This delightful production will be on tour from Monday 14th October 2024 and will tour schools, libraries and community venues until July 2025.
Suitable for children aged 4-7 years. 45 minutes duration.